No one goes on a Pilgrimage by accident.  Adeline believes that the Blessed Mother and Jesus fill her tours with exactly the right people who should be experiencing that particular trip together.  “If Jesus or the Blessed Mother is calling you, do not refuse their invitation,” she says.   “You will be touched in many powerful ways.”

“I enjoy serving Our Lord, Jesus through His Mother, Mary,” says Adeline, who has a great devotion to the Blessed Mother and has been called a 'modern-day evangelist by Catholic clergy.'  “It’s a blessing to see and hear about the many miracles that take place as a result of these pilgrimages.  Each tour is unique, and something special happens on every trip.” 

Adeline Castiglione, founder and owner of Adoration Tours, sees her company as a ministry rather than as a travel business. Adeline’s travel  expertise dates to 1979 and her long-time work for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for over 20 years, where part of the duties in her leadership position included organizing tours and conventions, as well as negotiating group prices with airlines, hotels, retreat houses and more. She escorted her first Pilgrimage Tour to Rome and Lourdes in September 1983, and has been passionate about it ever since. 

Adoration Tours is about 95% repeat clients and referrals. In fact, they were even highlighted in The Wall Street Journal where her tours were described as those that "Soothe and Nourish the Soul."

Adeline’s goal is to give everyone who wishes the opportunity to make a Pilgrimage, whether it is to the Holy Land, the Marian Shrines, or to Follow in the Footsteps of Sts. Paul and John. "Our relationship with our local suppliers overseas is like family," says Adeline.  "We can depend on them for the best value and continued great service for many years to come."  

Adoration Tours’ unique, “Pilgrimage at Sea,” combines a cruise with spiritually-based shore excursions to cities such as Rome, Florence, Venice, Barcelona, Ephesus, Fatima and many more. 
Adoration Tours is best known for their service and availability.  Their escorted tours are personalized and customized specifically for the needs and desires of each group.  

 ”If You Can Dream It, Adoration Tours can take you there!”      
Adeline Castiglione 

 Adoration Tours
    "Pilgrimages of the World"

To start planning your Pilgrimage, call us today at (818) 368-6545 or (800) 580-7040 or 
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"Experience the Bible Come Alive"
Adoration Tours (818) 368-6545 or (800) 580-7040 or